Anyone can call the POWER Line, including women or men who are struggling with substance use and those concerned about a loved one.

Capital Campaign

The POWER Campus

Paving the Path to Recovery

To further our mission and transform the way women access substance use treatment and recovery support services in our region, we are creating the POWER Campus. Through a $14 million capital campaign we are renovating a building, located on the same grounds as our POWER House residential treatment facility in Swissvale. All levels of care will be in one location and partners on the ground floor will offer childcare, healthcare, and workforce development. The POWER Campus will be the first facility of its kind in Allegheny County and become a national model for other cities to improve their response to drug and alcohol problems.

Join us in supporting the recovery journey of more than 1,400 people each year by purchasing a paver or brick. With a generous contribution of $500 for a paver or $250 for a brick, your gift can be in honor, memory, or celebration of a loved one.

If you are interested in additional Campus naming opportunities, please contact Samantha Dye atÂ