Anyone can call the POWER Line, including women or men who are struggling with substance use and those concerned about a loved one.

Purple Party Email header (2500 x 750 px) (7)

Presenting Sponsor | Seeds of Hope Honorees 

| Robert Levin and Dr. Kerry Bron |

This year the theme goes ROYAL celebrating all the regal Queens and Kings of recovery. It’s POWER’s 3rd Annual Purple Party on April 24, 2025

Grab your purple attire and join us for the ROYAL celebration at The Circuit Center in the Southside.

Enjoy creative mocktails, specialty coffee, and delicious eats. Relax in the recovery garden, win fabulous auction and raffle items, or light up the dance floor.  

For guests looking to elevate their experience join us for the VIPurple Reception which grants early access to the event, a special performance, raffle tickets, and a meet and greet with our POWER honorees. 

During the Purple Party we will honor our incredible alums and present the prestigious Seeds of Hope Award to Robert Levin & Dr. Kerry Bron. 

The Purple Party welcomes the sober curious, sober celebrating, and sober supporters! 

Meet our POWERful Alums from the
The Purple Party 2024!

Check out the photos from the Purple Party 2024

Thank you to our 2025 sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Robert Levin and Kerry Bron, MD

Lilac Sponsors

Beth Docherty and Jeff Semke

Lavender Sponsors

Valerie and Paul Bacharach

Jan Bamford and Rob Tiberio

Seeds of Hope Sponsors

Bridgeway Capital | DeForest Koscelnik & Berardinelli | First National Bank | Gateway Rehab | Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank | H2R CPA | Marc Hulsman |Liberty Insurance Agency | Kristi Rogers and Jody Schurman | Eileen Simmons

Sponsor listing as of 2.27.25

"I arrived at POWER in black and white, and left in color."
Guidestar Gold Transparency Seal
HRSA National Health Service Corps
POWER logo

POWER Administration
907 West Street, 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15221